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Rock Types

Igneous Rock Diabase

Igneous Rocks - Diabase (Dolerite)

Colour: When fresh it is black, dark-grey or green; may be mottled black and white.

Grain size: Medium.

Texture: Occasionally ophitic texture can be distinguished in hand specimen. May be porphyritic.

Structure: Vesicles and amygdales occur. Sometimes has segregations of coarser rock enriched in feldspar. Mineralogy: Phenocrysts comprise olivine (olivine diabase) and/or pyroxene or plagioclase. The groundmass comprises the same minerals with iron oxide, and sometimes with some quartz, hornblende or biotite.

Field relations: Dykes and sills. These may form swarms of hundreds or perhaps thousands of individual dykes or sills which often radiate from a single volcanic centre."

(Hamilton et al 1976, 170)

Common Igneous Rocks:


Rock types:
Igneous Rocks
Sedimentary Rocks
Metamorphic Rocks